The Light Phone

by | Dec 5, 2017 | Cool Things | 0 comments

The Light Phone is designed to be used as little as possible, a simple second phone that uses your existing phone number. Leave your smartphone behind and enjoy peace of mind. – Light

Why not just a smartwatch? You could… however The Light Phone removes all the clutter that comes with a smartwatch (i.e. apps, lots and lots of apps). Flip Phone? Most options are bulky and can be tricky to navigate. No, if you truly crave for a distraction-free phone experience. Much like phones from the 90s 😂 with the minor exception that The Light Phone displays the time but can still be carried around like a normal cell phone only much lighter and thinner, then The Light Phone might be what you’re looking for.

It can make and take calls – that is all it can do. It can be taken anywhere allowing you to leave your smartphone behind. Take it with you on weddings, family events, gatherings, camping, the park… and “unplug” without completely being unplugged.

The Light Phone launched its Kickstarter campaign a few years ago and the creators reached their goal with over $400k in funding. The Light Phone is available for pre-order in the US for $125 and their international offer is limited – you might have to sign up with your email to be notified of international availability. There is also a cost to using Light’s service at approximately $5/month in the United States – a small price to pay regularly if you dislike taking your smartphone with you everywhere, yet prefer to retain phone communication.

As a comparison, the Apple Watch offers a similar service so that you can leave your iPhone behind for approximately $5 to $10 a month depending on your cell phone provider.

Check it out at

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