Smith & Wesson

shared via email:She has never had any problems with muggers, rapists, panhandlers, wise ass's, street punks, or attorneys.‘Scroll down’ for a photo of her making a withdrawal . . . . When my friend goes to her ATM, or anywhere else alone, she always takes along her...

Creating Groups in Apple’s Contacts

Create Groups (a.k.a mailing list, distribution list) in Apple’s Contacts application (macOS).

Bob Ross – Speed Painting by Reid Southen

Artist: Reid Southen Website:

Small Things

"Start from small things." - Kengo Kuma Source:

The Mask You Live In – Trailer

A documentary film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom explores how our culture teaches young boys to be men…and how we fail them.

Space Bar Won’t Open Photos In Mojave

One less use for the Space Bar…

Harry Potter Speed Painting by Heather Rooney

Speed Painting of Harry Potter by Heather Rooney.

Dragon Speed Painting by Chris Scalf

Speed Painting of a dragon by Chris Scalf.

I Was, But My Kids Weren’t

“Because all along, it turns out, all my kids needed and wanted was me.” – Kristina Kuzmic