Bob Ross – Speed Painting by Reid Southen

by | Nov 16, 2016 | Speed Painting | 0 comments

Artist: Reid Southen


Dawn of Fire

Lava is molten rock generated by geothermal energy and expelled through fractures in planetary crust or in an eruption, usually at temperatures from 700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 to 2,192 °F). “Dawn of Fire” captures amazing footage of flowing lava.

Getting Rid of Your Old Car With An Incentive

So you have a running car that is impossible to sell and perhaps give away because… well… nobody wants it! Or maybe because there is nobody you’d want to give it to simply because it is too old and probably not worth it.   Granted this post is for those living in...

SICARIO 2: SOLDADO – Official Teaser Trailer

“After discovering that drug cartels are smuggling terrorists across the US border, the CIA sends Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) and former undercover operative Alejandro Gillick (Benicio del Toro) to eliminate the problem.” – Wikipedia

Jumping to the First or Last Item in Finder

When you have a Finder window open, and in a folder with several files, you can scroll and select, which is great if it’s a small list of files. Or if it’s a long list or maybe we’re faster using our keyboards, you can hit Option+Up Arrow or Option+Down Arrow to jump...

Smith & Wesson

shared via email:She has never had any problems with muggers, rapists, panhandlers, wise ass's, street punks, or attorneys.‘Scroll down’ for a photo of her making a withdrawal . . . . When my friend goes to her ATM, or anywhere else alone, she always takes along her...

Password-Protect Your Apps With Mac App Blocker

With Mac App Blocker, you can password-protect EACH application on your Mac. Keep your apps and your Mac safe.

Miley Cyrus – Malibu (Official Video)

Malibu sounds awesome.

PLDT Plans To Sell Meralco Stake

PLDT plans to sell Meralco stake to reduce debt and fund capital spending.

Tracking Stocks on iOS and macOS

Recommended apps that make tracking apps on iOS and MacOS intuitive and informative.

Surveying A Home’s Floor Elevation

It’s not as simple as one might want it to be.