Mouse Without Borders

by | Nov 20, 2018 | Software, Computers, Windows, Workflow | 0 comments

Many of you wizards have multiple monitors on your desk, easy, as long as you have multiple ports on your graphics cards you can easily add that many monitors and most operating systems will support this straight off the bat. However, some of you magicians might even have multiple PCs on your desk. Then there are the insane who may even have multiple computers each running on different platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac). How to manage all those mouses and keyboards? The good news is there are ways to address the dilemma of managing multiple keyboards and mouses without having to pick up a KVM switch.

For those brave souls managing different computers on different platforms (i.e. Mac, Windows, and Linux), I find Synergy to be a great solution.

BUT, if you are only running Windows on the multiple computers you have… specifically Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10… you should give Mouse Without Borders a try. Created by Truong Do, it is free and does more than just share your mouse and keyboard up to 4 Windows PC computers, you can also drag/drop and/or copy/paste files across screens,  lock all of your PCs at once, log in to all your PCs at once or send screen captures from one PC to another which are all great features.

Check out this cool review by Lazy Tech TV:

Download Link: Mouse Without Borders

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