Atlas Does Parkour

by | Oct 15, 2018 | Robotics | 0 comments

… and here’s the latest from Boston Dynamics!

The control software uses the whole body including legs, arms and torso, to marshal the energy and strength for jumping over the log and leaping up the steps without breaking its pace. – BostonDynamics

Meet VARRAM, A Smart Robot For Your Pet

A friendly, pet robot with a mobile application to keep your pet active, happy and healthy while you’re away.

How to Make Bootable USB from ISO in Mac

There are ways of doing this using Terminal but I tend to stay away because it's outside my comfort zone. However if you are a Terminal pro, then I refer you to the video below titled "How to Make Bootable USB from ISO/IMG file in | Mac OS | Linux | Windows | 2016"....

Frank Lloyd Wright on Arrogance

“This interview aired in September 1957 on the television program, The Mike Wallace Interview. Frank Lloyd Wright was 90 years old.” – Blank on Blank

Ralph Williams Bayshore Chrysler-Plymouth 1968

Car salesmen would probably sell more cars if they were this honest!

Recalibrating Through Yoga

  Yoga has been a big part of my life ever since I started practicing in September 2011. I went into it as my last resort from dealing with a lot of stress and physically out of shape from not paying attention to my body. I was an emotional mess and spiritually...

Bring Overwatch To Mac

Help bring Overwatch to Mac!

God: City

God: City is yet another dark-humor short film from Oats Studios which is a follow up to God: Serengeti.


2 minutes and 37 seconds of goodness. Sci-fi nuts… prepare to be teased.

The 1 Minute Painting

Brandon McConnell paints fast… really really fast.

Stock Watch 2017-01-16

Things at Yahoo are still uncertain. LendingClub seems to be on hold. PLDT is hungry. OAAAX still holds Apple at #1. Bitcoin continues to get more publicity.