
by | Apr 23, 2018 | Earth | 0 comments

[tran-shuh nt, -zhuh nt, -zee-uh nt]
Adjective. not lasting, enduring, or permanent; lasting only a short time; existing briefly.

By Dustin Farrell –

9 Year Olds Take On America’s Got Talent

Angelica Hale and Celine Tam take on America’s Got Talent!

Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk Speed Painting by Josh Newman

Josh Newman Speed Paints Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, Batman, and The Incredible Hulk!

Before the Flood (2016) Trailer #1

I love documentaries and this one looks very engaging. Directed by Fisher Stevens who produced the unforgettable "The Cove" is now teaming up with Leonardo DiCaprio in this up-to-date take on climate change.

The Best Super Glue

I've tried many, and most of them have always dried up when stored, especially the famous Krazy Glue. I've tried the brush-on versions, the squeeze tube versions, and they suck. I manage to get 2 or 3 uses out of them, and 9 out of ten times, they dry up, and I have...

Jeepers Creepers 3 Trailer #2 (2017)

Set right after the first film the Creeper fights back in gory glory!

Meet the Rezvani TANK

“An Extreme Utility Vehicle built for any off-road and on-road challenge.” – Rezvani

Fluid Width Video For YouTube

My problem... getting an embedded YouTube video to automatically resize according to container sizes. This is how you would post the embeded video: <div class="videoWrapper"> <!-- Copy & Pasted from YouTube --> <iframe width="560" height="349"...

Tulip Fever Red Band Trailer #1 (2017)

This is one of those movies that make you very uncomfortable because of its topic – adultery.

If You Eat A Polar Bear’s Liver

Interesting facts that you may not have known.

How to Disable Autoplay in VLC Media Player for VR Photos?

Unfortunately, there is no setting that I know of that does this. So a workaround is to have the VR photo pause after playback. This is very helpful if you view VR photos as I do for reference and would much rather not have the VR photo close down after playback. To...