My Dead Dad’s Porno Tapes

My Dead Dad’s Porno Tapes

“Honest, funny, nostalgic and incredibly inventive, the recipient of this prize tells the story of a young man sifting through his late father’s belongings in an attempt to uncover the intimate details of his life. A perfectly arranged menagerie of old film...
Kubrick Beyond Perspective

Kubrick Beyond Perspective

I’m a sucker for composition, staging, framing and bringing focus to a point of interest whether it be in a video, a photo or perhaps a physical space. It’s an art in of itself and can mean the difference between something that will be remembered or...
Hybrids – A Short Film

Hybrids – A Short Film

I’m loving these hybrid underwater creatures! It has a steampunk feel to it. Match this concept with a good storyline and I can see a full motion picture in the future! Well done...
God: City

God: City

It’s been about 10 months since we’ve seen something from Oats Studios. The last was ADAM: Episode 3, and just when I thought it was over for these awesome experimental shorts a new one titled God: City which is a followup to God: Serengeti came out! I...


In 1977 NASA launched two golden records into deep space on the Voyager I & II probes. Having left our solar system, they are the most distant man-made objects. The records carry sounds and images of our planet and human brainwaves. – Raphael...
Mi Tesoro Official Trailer

Mi Tesoro Official Trailer

I’ve heard a lot of good things about this short film. A cleaning woman steals a Salvadoran Civil War map and hunts for a treasure in the hopes of reuniting with her son. Una empleada de servicios de limpieza se roba un mapa de la Guerra Civil Salvadoreña con la...